Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sumblog 6: Gettin' Globally Greener

We have now started to discuss the political facet of sociology and how each nation works. In the beginning there was empires that covered vast amounts of territory and were functioning on the rulings of the empire and nothing more. As we have become more modern and have made nation-states, which encompass both the ideas of a nation and a state, we have tried to differentiate how these countries work. One of these theories is that each country is becoming more like everyone or isomorphic, because of a common world culture. This world culture is composed of many international groups that are there to create the greater good globally. The world culture is there to not only provide a central authority but also gives an identity to nations that are part of it.
Knowing all of this I wanted to take one of these identifiers and see how countries have "peer pressured" one another into moving forward. Sustainability is an initiative that has exploded across the globe and since the world culture is in support of it, every country has been making their own efforts to exemplify this. In the article I found, the top ten sustainable countries offer something different to take a stance on this global issue. Iceland, the number one country, has taken advantage of their pristine forests by preserving them. The research conducted looked at many aspects like air quality, biodiversity, agriculture, and water quality. It is interesting that even though there can be a broad topic like sustainability each country finds its identity with the location and people it has been provided with.

The functioning of the globe is pushed to be better in many factors, because of this "peer pressuring." The underlining thought that if the world culture wants it, we will want it too. The transformation may be slower for others and look unique to their circumstances, but if it has been decided as a positive alteration, the isomorphic push of the world will act. In the eyes of sustainability, I think the green push will benefit the world more than we realize.

Article --->


  1. You really laid out some interesting ideas about what we have been talking about in class. I had never really though about world culture was really interesting. I think you are right that the green push will help us more then we thing I just hope that enough people are willing to give it a try and put the time into it.

  2. The push you had on a greener earth brought out through political peer pressure was an interesting point to make out. Countries are starting to adopt more sustainable practices nowadays because of comformity from one nation to the other. I also agree that this green push will benefit the world in the long run but the main question is how many countries will adopt these practices? And keep doing them?
