Saturday, November 2, 2013

Sumblog 8: Brave New World

The idea of an uprising against the government is not something new to society today. In class we watched a documentary on the impact of uncensored websites such as Anonymous. The use of technology may seem to be a new phenomenon but the reality is the concern for our government getting too powerful has been present for a long time. The concept of 'New" World Order gives many positives to the countries involved, such as a well-being when there is an issue that a country cannot handle on their own. The networks of the New World Order can be viewed with a bit more hesitation. There is the horizontal network that depicts countries relating with other countries. They are on the same level and face similar issues. The other network is vertical which reveals a connection from one country to a global group that has no real geological location. This is the network that I believe causes these online, uncensored websites because there is a lack of trust.

These groups want to be seen and heard as part of their world. This idea of global governance seems to make the individual even smaller. It gives more power to the people on top and the ones underneath are heard less and less. As I mentioned earlier though, this is not something new as one can read about it from books of the past, listen to songs from today, and watch movies about it. This literature can be seen in books such as "Brave New World," “The Handmaid's Tale”, and “Fahrenheit 451” to just name a few. They all deal with a futuristic world were the government controls the societal structure, functions, and censorship of everything. The movie I thought of was V for Vendetta, which we also saw in the documentary. When someone wanted to be anonymous they wore a Guy Fawks mask because it represented a people who wanted to unite together to stand up for something they believe in. My song example that exposes opposition against too much governmental control is included in this blog. It is entitled, “Uprising” by Muse and mentions many of the same ideas that these other popular media sources have.
We as a people have been thinking these thoughts for a while now. The Internet has given individuals the means to make their voice heard and some of those voices have started to shout. As far as the impacts of the technological opposition I do believe the United States government is too powerful at this point to actually allow anything to occur but past history has revealed that if people do not feel valued and heard they will make it a point to do so. I think it would be good for the government to have a revelation about the importance of the people before it becomes a revolution.
“They will not force us
They will stop degrading us
They will not control us
We will be victorious” -Muse


  1. I think it was really important that you talked about how the ideas of uprisings and revolutions aren't new concepts and have been discussed throughout the past. It's kind of concerning now, though, that we wonder if here in America if a big enough uprising may take place sometime in the near future. One that could lead to a revolution against the government if oppression being to strengthen and groups like Anonymous become more outspoken.

    Good choice of song lyrics, too. Can't go wrong with Muse.

  2. I thought this blog was really well written with many great examples of how there have been numerous times in history where people have been opposed of the increasing power of government which also brings a lot of popularity to movies and songs based on that concept. The internet has allowed people to discover hidden truths that the world would not have known about otherwise and this brings power to the people. Yes, the government is very powerful but the more truths that get discovered about them, the less powerful they can become.
